Laboratório Avançado de Simulação
Computacional em Aerodinâmica
Welcome to LASCA...
A research group passionate about aerodynamics and its computation
Our group is devoted to teaching and researching fluid mechanics (particularly aerodynamics) and advanced simulation techniques. From fundamental studies in fluid physics to complex engineering applications of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), we aim at conducting high-level scientific projects while conveying the relevant theory and practical simulation knowledge to new generations of students.
LASCA is clustered in the Division of Aeronautics and Aerospace Engineering at ITA, namely "Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica". ITA is a prestigious college-like institution under the Brazilian Air Force Command, but that proudly functions with a majority of civilian students and staff. Although ITA is hosted at the Air Force largest aerospace complex, the so-called "Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia Aeroespacial" (DCTA), it interacts independently with both civilian and military institutions.
Among partners from within DCTA, we have the "Instituto de Aeronáutica e Espaço" (IAE), where Brazilian satellite launchers are developed, and the "Instituto de Estudos Avançados" (IEAv), responsible e.g. for the development of our hypersonic flight vehicles. As for collaborators from outside DCTA, we have partners such as the "Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais" (INPE), our leading weather forecast agency and developer of most Brazilian satellites, and also EMBRAER, originally created out of DCTA as a government-owned company, now the 3rd largest producer of commercial jets in the world. With all such interactions happening in São José dos Campos, a small but thriving city in between São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, it is only natural for ITA and LASCA to attract students of the highest level coming from all over the country and even from abroad.
Find more about LASCA's history and facilities on the "About" section. Moreover, find out who we are by clicking on "People". The remaining tabs will tell you about our teaching and research activities. When visiting ITA, please feel free to pay us a visit... also do not miss our latest news below!