Laboratório Avançado de Simulação
Computacional em Aerodinâmica

Lecture-based courses we offer...
Fluid Physics
Fluid Mechanics (ME-201)
Description: Graduate-level course on incompressible fluid mechanics
Lecturers: Dr. Vinicius Malatesta
Topics: Basic laws of fluid motion; Potential and viscous flows; Boundary-layer theory
When: Offered once a year as a one-semester, 3h/week course
For details, contact: malatesta@ita.br

Instability and Transition to Turbulence (AA-277)
Description: Graduate-level course on flow stability and transition to turbulence
Lecturers: Dr. André V. G. Cavalieri
Topics: Classical stability theory; Transient growth; Transition and advanced topics
When: Offered once a year as a one-semester, 3h/week course
For details, contact: andre@ita.br

Aeroacoustics (AA-271)
Description: Graduate-level course on sound generation and propagation
Lecturers: Dr. André V. G. Cavalieri
Topics: Classical theory with applications; Lighthill's analogy; Noise effects in aeronautics
When: Offered once a year as a one-semester, 3h/week course
For details, contact: andre@ita.br

Turbulent Flows and Numerical Modeling (AA-286)
Description: Graduate-level course on fluid turbulence and its modeling
Lecturers: Dr. Rodrigo Costa Moura
Topics: Reynolds-averaging; Common turbulent flows; Kolmogorov theory; RANS, LES & DNS
When: Offered once a year as a one-semester, 3h/week course
For details, contact: moura@ita.br

Numerical Methods
Computational Fluid Dynamics (AA-230)
Description: Graduate-level course on numerical methods for PDEs
Lecturers: Dr. Vinicius Malatesta
Topics: Intro to numerical methods; FD and FV approaches; Mathematical character of PDEs
When: Offered once a year as a one-semester, 3h/week course
For details, contact: malatesta@ita.br

Computational Aerodynamics (AED-25)
Description: Undergraduate-level course on computational aerodynamics
Lecturers: Dr. Rodrigo Costa Moura; Dr. André V. G. Cavalieri
Topics: Low fidelity tools in aerodynamics; Intro to CFD; Numerical approaches to turbulence
When: Offered once a year as a one-semester, 3h/week course
For details, contact: moura@ita.br; andref@ita.br

Spectral Element Methods for CFD (AA-270)
Description: Graduate-level course on spectral element methods for CFD
Lecturers: Dr. Rodrigo Costa Moura
Topics: Advection-diffusion via CG and DG; Treating nonlinear terms; Extension to NS eqs.
When: Offered once a year as a one-semester, 3h/week course
For details, contact: moura@ita.br

Modal Analysis of Complex Fields (AA-247)
Description: Graduate-level course on modern analysis & post-processing techniques
Lecturers: Dr. André Fernando de Castro da Silva
Topics: Reduced-order modeling; POD, DMD, ERA, SINDy; Applications in fluid mechanics
When: Offered once a year as a one-semester, 3h/week course
For details, contact: andref@ita.br

Topics in data assimilation
Description: Graduate-level course on data assimilation and related techniques
Lecturers: Dr. André Fernando de Castro da Silva
Topics: Syllabus under revision
When: Hopefully soon enough
For details, contact: andref@ita.br