Laboratório Avançado de Simulação
Computacional em Aerodinâmica

Who are we?
Group Mentor

Dr. Marcos Aurélio Ortega
Professor at ITA (now retired), Department of Aerodynamics
Expertise: Gasdynamics; Numerical methods; Turbulence
Lecturer on: High-resolution and spectral/hp methods for CFD
Contact: ortega@ita.br
More at: Lattes CV; RG profile
Direct Associates

Dr. Rodrigo Costa Moura, Cap Eng
Professor at ITA, Department of Aerodynamics
Expertise: CFD; Fluid turbulence; Spectral element methods
Lecturer on: Spectral element methods for CFD; Turbulent flows
Contact: moura@ita.br
More at: Lattes CV; RG profile; Google citations

Dr. André Fernando de Castro da Silva, Cap Eng
Professor at ITA, Department of Aerodynamics
Expertise: CFD; Data assimilation; Flow control
Lecturer on: Data processing and dimensionality reduction; Topics in data assimilation
Contact: andref@ita.br
More at: Lattes CV; RG profile; Google citations

Dr. Vinicius Malatesta
Professor at ITA, Department of Aerodynamics
Expertise: CFD; Flow stability and transition; Heat transfer
Lecturer on: Fluid Mechanics; Numerical methods for PDEs
Contact: malatesta@ita.br
More at: Lattes CV; RG profile; Google citations

Dr. André V. G. Cavalieri
Professor at ITA, Department of Aerodynamics
Expertise: Aeroacoustics; Hydrodynamic stability; Turbulent flows
Lecturer on: Aeroacoustics; Flow stability and transition
Contact: andre@ita.br
More at: Lattes CV; Google citations; LNCA
Collaborators (past & present)

Dr. Roberto Gil Annes da Silva
Professor at ITA, Department of Aircraft Design
Expertise: Aerodynamics; Aeroelasticity
Lecturer on: Aircraft aerodynamics; Aeroelasticity
Contact: gil@ita.br
More at: Lattes CV; Google citations; Linkedin

Dr. Álvaro Luiz Fazenda
Professor at UNIFESP, Department of Computing Systems
Expertise: High-performance computing
Lecturer on: High-performance processing; Parallel programming
Contact: alvaro.fazenda@unifesp.br
More at: Lattes CV; RG profile; Google citations

Dr. William Roberto Wolf
Professor at UNICAMP, Department of Energy
Expertise: Aeroacoustics; CFD; Turbulent flows
Lecturer on: Aeroacoustics; Compressible-flow CFD; Turbulent flows
Contact: wolf@fem.unicamp.br
More at: Lattes CV; RG profile; Google citations

Dr. Enda Dimitri Vieira Bigarella
Flight Physics Team Leader at Lilium GmbH
Formerly Chief Aerodynamics & CFD Engineer at EMBRAER
Expertise: Aerodynamics; CFD; Turbulence modelling
Contact: enda.bigarella@gmail.com
More at: Lattes CV; RG profile; Google citations
Students (past & present)

Mellanie Nabak Rocha
Master's student at ITA
Period of study: July/20 - June/22
Topic of study: High-fidelity CFD analysis of the flow around vortex generators
Contact: mellanie.petmec@gmail.com

Augusto Henrique Peruchi Zanca
Undergraduate student at ITA; Scientific initiation at LASCA
Period of study: July/19 - June/21
Topic of study: Automated 3D mesh generation for aerodynamics; Simulation of vortex generators
Contact: augusto.zanca@gmail.com
More at: Lattes CV

Yukari Watanabe Guerreiro Martins
Master's student at ITA
Period of study: July/19 - June/21
Topic of study: High-fidelity CFD analysis of the turbulent wake behind an inclined plate
Contact: yukariwg.martins@gmail.com

Cassiano Montibeller
Aerodynamics and Flight Science Engineer at EMBRAER; Master's student at UFSC, co-supervised at ITA / LASCA
Period of study: Jan/19 - June/21
Topic of study: Buffeting phenomenon on aircraft antennas
Contact: cassiano-ntsc@hotmail.com

Philippe de Carvalho Martins
Undergraduate student at ITA; Final-year project at LASCA
Period of study: Jan/19 - Dec/19
Topic of study: Induced downwash field behind a propeller-powered aircraft
Contact: philippe91carvalho@gmail.com
More at: Lattes CV

Eduardo de Oliveira Carvalho
Master's student at ITA, also our cartoonist...!
Period of study: Jan/19 - Dec/20
Topic of study: Automotive aerodynamics; Flow past bluff bodies
Contact: educarvalho1996@gmail.com

Lucas Dantas Fernandes
Formerly undergraduate student at ITA, now master's student at ITA
Period of study: Jan/19 - Dec/21
Topic of study: Novel eigensolution analysis of spectral/hp continuous Galerkin methods
Contact: lucasdantasf29@gmail.com

João Luiz Perez Costa
Master's student at ITA
Period of study: Jan/18 - Jun/20
Topic of study: Full potential formulations via discontinuous spectral element methods
Contact: joaoluiz@ita.br
More at: Lattes CV; RG profile

Paulo Henrique Ferreira
Formerly master's student at ITA, now PhD student at ITA
Period of study: Feb/18 - Feb/22
Topic of study: Aerodynamics and delayed stall in wavy wings
Contact: paulohferr@gmail.com
More at: Lattes CV; RG profile; Linkedin

Nicholas Alexandre Marins Benson
Undergraduate student at FATEC; Scientific initiation at LASCA
Period of study: Jan/18 - Dec/20
Topic of study: Automated 2D mesh generation for aerodynamics
Contact: benson@ita.br